Singing Guide: Cordelia's Aspirations

Singing Guide: Cordelia's Aspirations

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're wishing you could learn how to sing like Cordelia, you're in luck, this article is for you. Cordelia Chase, played by actress Charisma Carpenter in the hit TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff Angel, is known for her powerful, sultry voice. Whether you're a solo singer or a member of a band, Cordelia's talent is undeniable.

Unique Vocal Technique

One of the first things to note about Cordelia's voice is the richness of her tone. She is able to create this full-bodied vocal quality by placing her voice in her chest voice register and using a healthy dose of breath support. In addition, Cordelia has an incredible range, and she often uses this to her advantage to add depth to her voice.

Another important characteristic of Cordelia's voice is her control over her vibrato. Cordelia knows exactly when to use vibrato to enhance her voice, but never overdoes it. Most importantly, she has a strong ability to convey emotion through her singing, something that is essential for every singer to do.

Songs Showcasing Cordelia's Technique

Cordelia's songs evolve through the course of Angel, and her style changes according to the situation she's in. Some of her most well-known songs include:

  • "The Why" from the episode "You're Welcome." This song shows off her incredible ability to convey emotion in her voice while using a slower tempo that allows her to use more vibrato.
  • "It's not enough" from the episode "Expecting". This song showcases her incredible range and ability to utilize mixed voice.
  • "Parting Gifts" from the episode of the same name. This song demonstrates Cordelia's ability to creatively utilize vibrato in order to enhance the emotion of the piece.

Practical Tips

Learning to sing like Cordelia requires a lot of hard work and dedication, as well as following some practical tips. Here are a few tips to help you achieve your goals:

  • Warm up your voice regularly with exercises like those provided in Singing Carrots' breathing exercises and 3-minute warm-up videos, in order to get your voice ready for singing and to help you develop the proper breath support.
  • Take advantage of Singing Carrots' pitch training and pitch accuracy tests to enhance your vocal skills.
  • Sing songs that were written for a voice similar to yours, but also those with a range outside of your comfort zone to continue working on expanding your singing skills. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine what range you should be singing in to train like Cordelia.
  • Use Singing Carrots' song search feature to find songs that match your voice type, range, and preferences.
  • Study music theory and practice regularly using resources like Singing Carrots' singing course to learn more about vocal technique, music history, and how to properly take care of your voice.


With the right techniques and practical tips, anyone could learn to sing like Cordelia. Controlling your breath, adding vibrato only when necessary, and utilizing your chest voice while maintaining a healthy fearlessness when it comes to your high range are key elements to achieving success. Use Singing Carrots' resources to aid you in your vocal journey, and practice, practice, practice until your voice embodies Cordelia's powerful and unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.